GM NPC Aurora Orlova


Common knowledge

“Fate is what weak willed call it, when they have lost control over their endowed destiny.”

Inquisitor Grand-Master Aurora Orlova is a formidable and enigmatic figure within the Ordo Hereticus of the Imperium of Man. As the heir of a long lineage of Inquisitors, she carries the weight of her family’s legacy and believes her ancestor to be one of the first Inquisitors ordained by the Emperor himself. This ancestry instills in her a deep sense of duty and purpose, as well as a profound understanding of the Emperor’s vision for humanity.

Orlova possesses a strong will and an unwavering determination to protect mankind from the perils of Chaos. She firmly believes that fate is merely a concept used by the weak-willed to rationalize their lack of control over their destinies. To her, the only way to secure humanity’s survival is to take action and shape the future through her own efforts.

The black ship “Orlov Principle” is both a symbol of her authority and a tool for her investigations. It allows her to travel across the stars, carrying out her duties as an Inquisitor and unraveling the mysteries of the galaxy. In her possession, she also has a collection of prophecies passed down from her family elders. These prophecies provide her with valuable insights and guide her actions as she navigates the complex web of threats facing the Imperium.

Orlova’s ultimate goal is both audacious and controversial. Recognizing the deteriorating state of the Emperor’s mind and the fragmentation of His will, she foresees a future where His will finally breaks. Understanding the catastrophic consequences this would have for humanity, she devises a plan to avert the impending doom. Her intention is to sacrifice the Emperor, allowing His soul to be reborn as the Star Child, an Alpha+ psyker she envisions as the successor to the Emperor’s mantle.

This plan showcases Orlova’s deep understanding of the warp and her willingness to make difficult choices for the sake of humanity’s survival. While her methods may be seen as heretical by some, she believes that the rebirth of the Emperor as the Star Child-Emperor will lead humanity directly in its struggle against Chaos. Her actions are driven by a sense of duty, sacrifice, and an unwavering faith in the Emperor’s ultimate vision for mankind.

Inquisitor Grand-Master Aurora Orlova is a complex character, embodying the duality of her role as both a champion of the Imperium and a seeker of forbidden knowledge. Her determination, strategic thinking, and unyielding belief in the Emperor’s cause make her a formidable force within the Inquisition, shaping the fate of humanity in the grim darkness of the far future.

WS   BS   S    T   Ag  Int  Per  WP  Fel

Movement:  Wounds:  TB:  Armor:


Allies and enemies:

Orlov family

the most famous forefathers and mothers of Inquisitor Grand-Master Aurora Orlova, each possessing strong psychic abilities focused on foresight and prophetic visions, and serving within different ordos of the Inquisition:

  1. Inquisitor Maximus Orlov (Ordo Hereticus): Inquisitor Maximus Orlov, the esteemed forefather, possessed a powerful gift for foresight and precognition. His psychic abilities enabled him to peer into the future, foreseeing heretical plots and insidious cults before they could fully manifest. Maximus used his prophetic visions to unravel numerous conspiracies, ensuring the eradication of heresies even within the Inquisition and the preservation of the Imperium.
  2. Inquisitor Valeria Orlov (Ordo Malleus): Inquisitor Valeria Orlov was a renowned psychic within the Ordo Malleus, specializing in combating the forces of Chaos. Her psychic powers were honed toward precognition and divination, allowing her to perceive the movements of daemonic incursions and anticipate their strategies. Valeria’s prophetic visions guided her in leading successful purges against Chaos warbands, thwarting their plans and protecting the Imperium from their corrupting influence.
  3. Inquisitor Caius Orlov (Ordo Xenos): Inquisitor Caius Orlov possessed remarkable psychic abilities focused on foresight, especially when dealing with Eldar species. His unique psychic insight enabled him to foresee the machinations and intentions of xenos races. Caius used his prophetic visions to understand their long-term strategies and to formulate effective countermeasures against potential threats to humanity. His invaluable contributions to the Ordo Xenos ensured the Imperium’s long-term vigilance against alien incursions.
  4. Inquisitrix Isabella Orlova (Ordo Hereticus): Inquisitrix Isabella Orlova was a highly gifted psychic within the Ordo Hereticus, specializing in the art of divination and premonitions. Her psychic abilities granted her glimpses into possible futures, enabling her to predict the actions of heretical cults and identify hidden heresy. Isabella’s prophetic insights were instrumental in guiding the Ordo Hereticus in their efforts to root out and eradicate heretical influences on Terra, preserving the purity of the Imperium.
  5. Inquisitor Magnus Orlov (Ordo Sepulturum): Inquisitor Magnus Orlov possessed potent psychic powers attuned toward foresight and visions, which were focused on combating the undead and the warp’s taint within the Ordo Sepulturum. His prophetic abilities enabled him to foresee the resurgence of necromantic forces and pinpoint the locations of major undead uprisings. Magnus’s insights allowed him to lead decisive campaigns against these abominable creatures, protecting Imperial worlds from the grasp of the unholy and ensuring the sanctity of the living.

These renowned forefathers and mothers of Inquisitor Grand-Master Aurora Orlova, with their strong psychic abilities dedicated to foresight and prophetic visions, played pivotal roles within their respective ordos of the Inquisition. Their ability to peer into the future and anticipate threats helped shape the Imperium’s strategies and preserve humanity’s survival in the face of heresy, Chaos, xenos threats, and the forces of the undead. Their remarkable deeds continue to inspire and guide Aurora Orlova as she carries the torch of her lineage, using her own psychic talents to safeguard the Imperium.

Library of Aurora Orlova

Within the extensive library of Inquisitor Grand-Master Aurora Orlova, there are several notable prophetic texts, visions of Martyn the Sane, and forbidden volumes containing Eldar and heretical texts. These books revolve around a common theme, the impending arrival of a great darkness. Here are some of the books found in her library and brief descriptions of their content:

  1. “Visions of Martyn the Sane”
  2. The Recorded Prophecies of the Orlov Bloodline“: This ancient tome chronicles the prophetic visions and premonitions of the Orlov lineage throughout the ages. It contains cryptic verses and symbolic imagery, describing a looming shadow that threatens to engulf the galaxy. The book hints at the Emperor’s deteriorating condition and the pivotal role that the Orlov bloodline is destined to play in averting the approaching darkness.
  3. Whispers of the Eldar Seers“: A forbidden tome that delves into the forbidden knowledge of the Eldar seers. It contains snippets of Eldar prophecies and glimpses into their intricate web of fate. The book reveals forewarnings of a looming cataclysm, where the Eldar race faces annihilation and the fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance. The writings speak of desperate alliances, hidden agendas, and the manipulation of destiny.
  4. The Heretical Grimoire of Shadows“: An ancient and heretical text, deemed forbidden by the Ecclesiarchy and the Inquisition. This blasphemous tome explores the forbidden arts of Chaos sorcery and daemonic rituals. It details the seductive promises of power, the nature of the Ruinous Powers, and the twisted prophecies foretelling the triumph of Chaos over the Imperium.
  5. The Unveiled Void: A Treatise on the Primordial Darkness“: A scholarly work that combines the research of the Orlov lineage with fragments of Eldar and ancient human texts. This volume examines the nature of the primordial darkness that lurks beyond the boundaries of known space. It explores theories of an ancient malevolence awakening, threatening to engulf all life in its abyssal grip. The book delves into the terrifying implications of this darkness, offering theories on its origin and potential methods of prevention.
  6. Reflections of the Celestial Abyss“: A compendium of celestial phenomena, ancient star maps, and astrological divinations. This book reveals disturbing signs in the heavens, ominous alignments, and the convergence of celestial bodies that foretell the encroachment of a malevolent force from beyond the stars. It explores the cosmic balance of power and the imminent clash between the Emperor and the chaos.
  7. The Forbidden Chronicles of Lost Worlds“: Written by Inquisitor Caius Orlov. An anthology of forgotten histories and suppressed accounts of worlds consumed by darkness. This tome catalogs accounts of entire civilizations succumbing to corruption, either through insidious heresies or manipulations of the Warp. The book serves as a dire warning of the insidious nature of the coming great darkness and the consequences of succumbing to its influence.
  8. Visions of the Veiled Oracle“: A collection of prophecies and visions recorded by an enigmatic figure known as the Veiled Oracle. These cryptic writings depict the rise of a malevolent entity, its terrifying influence spreading across the galaxy. The visions offer glimpses of battles yet to come, coming betrayals within trusted ranks, and the sacrifices required to push back against the encroaching darkness.
  9. The Chalice of Eternity“: A treatise on ancient artifacts and relics rumored to possess the power to tip the balance between light and darkness. This book explores the legends of the Chalice of Eternity, a mystical artifact said to hold the key to sealing the rifts of chaos and restoring stability. It delves into the accounts of heroic quests, treacherous journeys, and the ultimate confrontation with the embodiment of darkness.
  10. The Psalms of the Dying Stars“: An ethereal collection of poetic verses and cosmic elegies, penned by seers and poets touched by the unfathomable depths of the great darkness. These haunting compositions capture the anguish and despair of a universe under siege, but also inspire resilience and hope in the face of overwhelming odds. The psalms speak of sacrifice, redemption, re-birth of the Emperor and the cosmic battle that will determine the fate of all.

Allies: Headmaster Headmaster Idiomias, Cardinal Humer,

Adversaries: Judge Mordechai, Inquisitor Victoria Aldrich

Strongholds: Light Cruiser “Orlov Principle